Category Archives: News and politics

Why Are Our Warships Colliding?

The guided missile destroyers USS Fitzgerald and USS McCain have recently crashed into huge merchant ships. This is shocking, disgraceful, and unacceptable. Two collisions in two months indicates that there are one or more major fleet-wide problems. These collisions occurred in the western Pacific Ocean and reflect poor navigation and ship handling skills. 

My limited warship experience 
When I was in my early teens, my Sea Cadet division was invited on Chesapeake Bay day cruises aboard 1950s vintage destroyers and destroyer escorts. I remember seeing five to ten sailors on their bridges, together with a large radar PPI (plan position indicator) display. Even this relatively ancient radar displayed a remarkably detailed picture of the Chesapeake Bay out to fifty miles or so. This radar plus alert sailors on watch meant that there was no way that any civilian or enemy vessels could get near these old warships.

Current civilian ship practice 
A crew member on a 130 foot long yacht tells me that when underway, they always have two crew members on watch, and radar on the bridge that displays out to thirty miles or so. This sailor tells me that merchant vessels have the right of way because warships are faster, more maneuverable, and enjoy more situational awareness information.

So, what’s happening with our warships?
These possibilities occur to me:

  • Sabotage. System software has been maliciously altered. 
  • GPS signals have been spoofed. While this has been done with civilian GPS signals, spoofing encrypted military GPS signals would be difficult. 
  • Dereliction of duty. Poor command of ship. 
  • Incompetent sailors. Obama’s focus on armed forces’ diversity and social issues has diluted sailors’ competence.

The Navy has removed the two senior officers and the senior enlisted man from the destroyer Fitzgerald. Yesterday it dismissed Vice Admiral Aucoin, commander of its 7th Fleet. (He was scheduled to retire soon, anyway.)

A Navy inquiry reportedly has excluded cyber intrusion or sabotage.

Wikileaks publishes DNC emails

Yesterday, Wikileaks published almost 20,000 emails that were purloined from the Democratic National Committee. You may search the emails on this page.

Overnight, evidence was discovered within these emails of

  • a conspiracy within the DNC to hinder presidential candidate Bernie Sanders;
  • a close relationship between DNC and the mainstream media.

Twitter is jumping with revelations from these emails. Apparently Hillary Clinton and the DNC are taking legal action to plug this leak. Of course, it’s too late.

Election hacking

A 2016 HBO documentary, Hacking Democracy, discusses voting irregularities and the ease of hacking the results of electronic voting systems:

It introduces Bev Harris, a 52 year old grandmother who stumbled upon evidence of vote tampering. She went on to create Black Box Voting, a nonpartisan investigative reporting and public education organization for elections.

Apparently these Diebold machines employ a Windows NT operating system.  Here’s an excerpt from a Security Analysis of the Diebold AccuVote-TS Voting Machine: “Simply put, many computer scientists doubt that paperless DREs [Direct Recording Electronic voting systems] can be made reliable and secure, and they expect that any failures of such systems would likely go undetected.”

Despite these problems, we believe that it is possible, at reasonable cost, to build a DRE-based voting system—including hardware, software, and election procedures—that is suitably secure and reliable. Such a system would require not only a voting machine designed with more care and attention to security, but also an array of safeguards, including a well-designed voter-verifiable paper audit trail system, random audits and forensic analyses, and truly independent security review.

In this video, Clint Curtis, a Florida-based computer programmer testifies to the U.S. House Judiciary Committee about vote tampering in software:

It’s much easier to audit a paper ballot system. Computers are faster than paper, but, to at least some degree, vulnerable to hacking.

Mark Steyn on multiculturalism

I like Mr. Steyn’s witty observations in this video and his skillful use of language. I agree; multiculturalism is a denial of reality.

Update, in the wake of the bombings in Brussels: In his March 25 2016 article, Mr. Steyn highlights the stupidity of the EU’s suicidal immigration policies (if you can call them that): “Europe would rather destroy itself than retreat from the delusions of multiculturalism.”

Garry Kasparov on innovation

I’ve admired retired world chess champion Garry Kasparov for his mastery of the game of chess. Mr. Kasparov broke multiple chess records and met (and lost) a challenge from IBM’s Deep Blue. He’s also an anti-Putin activist, eloquent writer, and thoughtful political analyst.

I thought that Kasparov confined his commentary to the former Soviet Union, but he just published a thoughtful DailyBeast article titled Hey Bernie don’t lecture me about socialism. I lived through it. He’s seen both capitalism and socialism from their insides and I respect his opinion of both. He argues that only capitalism encourages innovation, which enriches everyone.

What happened in Chicago?

When I was a young teenager, listening to shortwave radio broadcasts from many countries taught me that the news that’s presented by what’s now called mainstream media (MSM) is rarely the whole story.

Thanks to Twitter, YouTube, and other Internet based outlets, now we can hear firsthand accounts from eyewitnesses without the MSM filters. Here’s one firsthand report on reddit: What really happened at the Chicago rally

Hillary’s I.T. guy


Bryan Pagliano, the I.T. specialist who apparently was paid by Hillary Clinton to set up her email server, has been granted immunity from prosecution by the Department of Justice. A lawyer friend tells me that this means that a grand jury is reviewing evidence and that Mr. Pagliano will be testifying as the Department of Justice prosecutes someone. Is that Hillary Clinton? Probably. Maybe others.

imageit seems that the DOJ had a strong case against Mr. Pagliano for multiple counts of conspiracy to violate federal records preservation regulations and the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), as well as restrictions on “moonlighting” while employed by the State Department. To avoid prosecution, he struck a deal. Now he’s the DOJ’s witness against whomever.

I don’t yet know the details of either Hillary’s private mail server or that of the State Department, but it seems likely that Hillary may have given Mr. Pagliano her login credentials. My guess is that this is a serious violation of State Department regulations.

Reportedly the FBI has two teams of investigators looking into Mrs. Clinton’s private mail server and the Clinton Foundation’s quid pro quo arrangements with Mrs. Clinton while she was Secretary of State. It’s rumored that the FBI will recommend that criminal charges of violating the Espionage Act be brought against her.

In view of the number of disappearances of witnesses in the Clintons’ past, I hope that Mr. Pagliano has a full-time bodyguard. I want to hear his story.

Lighten up on global warming

I was amazed when Barack Obama declared that climate change is the nation’s biggest enemy. Forget ISIS, Iran, al-Qaeda, murders of citizens by illegal aliens, uncontrolled immigration, jobs outsourcing, factories moving offshore . . . etc.  No, Mr. Obama’s delusions convince him that global warming is more important.

Maybe George Carlin can bring some sanity to this:

We need more CO2

Next week, the Paris Climate Change Conference begins. It’s basically a waste of time and money because anthropogenic global warming is an imaginary problem. One hidden agenda is the transfer of wealth from developed nations to less developed nations. Another is the transfer of wealth into the pockets of scam artists such as Al Gore. I wish that the conference would listen to, among others, Patrick Moore and Freeman Dyson.

Patrick Moore, a co-founder of Greenpeace, spoke last month about climate change. Here’s YouTube’s video record of his presentation:

Dr. Moore argues that the earth’s climate has ALWAYS changed, and that carbon dioxide is good for all life on our planet. Broadly speaking, his argument agrees with that of eminent mathematician and physicist Freeman Dyson, who’s studied global climate since the 1970s, while a professor of physics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

I don’t know much about Dr. Moore, but I’ve long admired the independent thought of Freeman Dyson. When he speaks, I listen (and watch):

Freeman Dyson’s observations:

  • “CO2 is so beneficial . . . it would be crazy to try to reduce it.”
  • “Probably it does us good; the Earth will get greener as a result.”
  • “The climate models are no good for prediction.”

In a discussion about global warming stupidity, Professor Dyson confesses,

E-Mail 4/9/15
Dear Norman Page,

Thank you for your message and for the blog. That all makes sense.

I wish I knew how to get important people to listen to you. But there is not much that I can do. I have zero credibility as an expert on climate. I am just a theoretical physicist, 91 years old and obviously out of touch with the real world. I do what I can, writing reviews and giving talks, but important people are not listening to me. They will listen when the glaciers start growing in Kentucky, but I will not be around then.

With all good wishes, yours ever,
Freeman Dyson.

Visit my website:
© Russ Bellew · Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA · phone 954 873-4695

“He’s a child.”

Vladimir Putin, overheard in conversation with colleagues at the recent G20 meeting, referred to an image of Barack Obama on a video screen and laughed, “He’s a child . . . he’s a child!”

Barack ObamaIndeed.  West Africans use a simplified version of English that includes nouns that succinctly describe personalities.  I’ve already identified Mr. Obama as a confusionist.  Another apt west African tag is small boy.  (In contrast, a true leader is a big man.)

I was puzzled at first by Obama’s refusal to utter the phrase “radical Islam”, his seeming lack of empathy for the victims of Friday’s massacre in Paris by ISIS, and his insistence that the US accept tens or hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees from Syria.   It does though make sense when we listen to his own words:

The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.

The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer.

We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.

As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.

Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.

. . . etcetera

Putin has it right.  Obama’s reign of error is that of a child — a narcissistic small boy avenging his father.  Such a neurotic character served Shakespeare well, but is unfit to be president.

Visit my website:
© Russ Bellew · Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA · phone 954 873-4695

Hillary Clinton-approved email server

I love this parody.  It’s a humorous advertisement for your own mail server:

Do you run a government agency but hate complying with the law?  Then you need DC Matic, the Hillary Clinton-approved email server!

credit: Written and performed by Remy.  Video directed and edited by Meredith Bragg

What’s Hillary hiding?  Classified emails?  Sure.  Evidence of her negligence in Benghazi that led to the murders of US citizens?  Of course.  Security breaches via assistant Huma Abedin’s Muslim Brotherhood connections?  Probably.  No, the ticking time bomb in this server is bribery.  Maybe treason as well.  She’s hiding written evidence of her deals that traded State Department help in exchange for large donations to the Clinton Foundation and large fees for speaking engagements by Bill Clinton.

Putney Swope and Barack Obama

Today’s laughably corrupt Obama regime is life imitating art. Which art? Cinema. Whacked-out cinema. Farce. Namely, 1969’s Putney Swope:

Both Swope and Obama were elected to office by fools who suffer from chronic white guilt.

In 1969, Putney Swope announced:

The changes I’m gonna make will be minimal. I’m not gonna rock the boat. Rockin’ the boat’s a drag. What you do is sink the boat.

In 2008, Barack Obama bragged:

. . . we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.

Mr. Obama is trying to transform America, alright. Transform it from a prosperous capitalist economy governed by a constitutional republic to a bankrupt socialist economy governed by a corrupt tyrannical dictatorship. Barack is following Putney’s credo, “What you do is sink the boat.”

Lady MacClinton’s emails

Lady Macbeth
Lady Macbeth
The new improved Clinton lie:

I did not have textual relations with that server.

Yesterday, the FBI took possession of Hillary Clinton’s private mail server. It provided mail services for the domain. She, using the mailbox, apparently used it for official email while she was Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. This is a violation of US federal regulations on preservation of government records.

Hillary ClintonIt’s clear that Hillary set up this server specifically to circumvent these regulations. While Secretary of State she set up a tollbooth which collected payments from business and government leaders in exchange for favors from her department and friends. The payments were deposited in the Clinton Foundation slush fund. Of course she didn’t want records kept in the federal archive.

I don’t know the details of this server. Microsoft Exchange is popular, but a pain to configure and maintain. A Linux-based mailserver is also a pain to configure but requires less maintenance. In either case outside I.T. support is required. That party will have worthwhile information.

Server contents

In March, Hillary claimed,

The server contains personal communications from my husband and me, and I believe I have met all of my responsibilities and the server will remain private.

Her dopey husband accidentally contradicted her twice when he denied ever sending any emails to anyone, ever.

Unencrypted classified emails?

You've got mailApparently her server had no authentication certificate for its first three months of operation. This means that all traffic in and out of that server would have been unencrypted. Chances are good that the Chinese, Russian, or Ukraine government read some of those emails.

I’m curious to see what’s on the server’s backup system’s archived media.

Lady MacClinton’s been skating on thin legal ice for years. Maybe this time she’ll not skate away.

Details: The Spy Satellite Secrets in Hillary’s Emails

Visit my website:
© Russ Bellew · Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA · phone 954 873-4695