Rachel Beckwith is a hero to many thousands.

Rachel’s gift Ethiopian kid drinks clean well water
Rachel’s gift
Ethiopian kid drinks clean well water
Rachel Beckwith
Rachel Beckwith
Rachel, with the help of the worldwide web, enabled tens of thousands to have clean safe water.

The Internet is many things. Like money, it’s an amplifier. It amplifies goodness, and it amplifies evil. It has amplified Rachel Beckwith’s goodness. On her webpage she described her wish,

On June 12th 2011, I’m turning 9. I found out that millions of people don’t live to see their 5th birthday. And why? Because they didn’t have access to clean, safe water so I’m celebrating my birthday like never before. I’m asking from everyone I know to donate to my campaign instead of gifts for my birthday. Every penny of the money raised will go directly to fund freshwater projects in developing nations. Even better, every dollar is “proved” when the projects are complete, and photos and GPS coordinates are posted using Google Earth. My goal is to raise $300 by my birthday, June 12, 2011. Please consider helping me.

Thank you so much!!!

Rachel raised $220. One month after her birthday, she was killed in a traffic accident, but her story spread across the web and donations piled up to well over a million dollars. One year later, her fund has brought clean safe water to about 60,000 Ethiopians. The Internet amplified Rachel’s wish.

Most Americans take resources such as safe drinking water for granted. We forget that many people don’t have safe water to drink.

Here’s Rachel’s story. Read more about Rachel.

I am humbled.