The times, they are a-changin’ for book publishers

Photo by FHKE
How will e-books affect traditional book publishers?

Terri Gross, on her Fresh Air radio program, interviewed Ken Auletta yesterday. Ken wrote a New Yorker magazine column about the effect of Apple’s iPad and Amazon’s Kindle on the book publishing business. Ken’s article is thorough. Mr. Auletta also recently appeared on Charlie Rose’s television show to discuss the same topic.

Ken points out in the interview that the Internet flattens distribution channels: travel agents, real estate agents, and insurance agents must add value. Book publishers, like music publishers, will need to add value. It sounds like this is a long way from settled. The only certainty is that the introduction of e-book readers such as the Kindle and iPad will profoundly change the book publishing industry.

In the publishers’ favor is the fact that Apple and Amazon (and Barnes & Noble, with the Nook, and eventually, Google) will be competing hard for book content. This could breathe life into an industry that just yesterday looked like it might die.

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Please Rob Me — Credit Card Edition

One sign that social networking is getting out of hand


I’m not sure where to file this: under Oversharing, Materialism Run Wild, Vanishing Privacy, or Stupid People.

My sister pointed me to a good blog article by Eric Lipman that discusses how some people, for some reason, think it’s a good idea to publish their credit card purchasing activity. I can’t imagine why one would do this, but, that’s what Blippy does . . . and Blippy, carrying the sharing idea a bit too far, also published users’ credit card numbers . . . which were available to anyone who googled Blippy.

Blippy apologized and swears that it’ll never happen again.

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